Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Good Eats & Mother's Day

With the start of a new recruitment cycle at work, the end of my writing class, and the recent holiday, I have been a little busy over here. Nevertheless, I have continued to cook and exercise like crazy!

 Before I go into my photo blast, I just want to share that my triathlon training is going as planned and I am right on track. My hope is that sticking to this schedule will help me eliminate the exhaustion that comes with three consecutive sports. Also, I always get scared about my heart and adrenaline in tri' the brick training is good for teaching myself how to control my breathing.

On to the food!

healthy un-fried fried rice w/ extra veggies || quesadillas, kale chips, & carrot soup with a kick
fruit salad, egg & feta, sprouted english muffin with spinach pesto || protein oats, fruit salad
annie's mac & cheese with roasted brussels || tropical boozy baked oatmeal
back on track green monster with a cat on the side

Okay, so I guess I haven't been as uninspired as I thought. I also made sweet potato brownies for Relay for Life and peanut butter cups for Mother's Day! Woo!

And Mother's Day - how did I celebrate that? I asked my Mom to join me on a bike ride to a local vineyard for some exercise, sun, and wine! 

We rode a total of ~28 miles and for 2 hours through several towns, rolling hills, and beautiful scenery. We were also able to create a different route home so it was nice to ride a loop rather than out and back. 

 On Sunday the vineyard had free tastings for Moms, and I think we were able to taste every single wine they have available. This vineyard has my favorite local wine, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be my new favorite place to visit. The owners are friendly, the view is beautiful, and it's a wonderfully small and intimate place.

The shoulder of the roads, for the most part, was wide enough that we could ride alongside one another and talk quite a bit, which was nice. My Mom is currently away in Malawi for a couple weeks so I'm glad we were able to find the time to spend together.

And don't tell her this, but this was my #2 favorite part of the day......

Up next: Gear for triathlon & marathon training. After accumulating items over the past year, I am now completely prepared for any race I may encounter, and I've done it on a VISTA stipend!

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