Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Chapter


Creating a blog is something that I have been thinking about for a few months now. All of the blogs I usually read are still interesting, but they do not quite suit my needs anymore. A lot of the bloggers are having children, moving on from blogging, or focusing too intensely on the sports I love.

Me? I'm in my mid-twenties and enjoy a whole host of activities. While I do want children at some point, I am returning to school in the fall to finish my Bachelor's - so I have some time. As far as my athletic hobbies go, I like to be well-rounded and tend to not be too intense. My purpose in creating this blog is to fulfill my need to explore uncharted territory as I mix up my training without much of a focus on competition. I've been thinking that I cannot be alone in this mindset, yet I'm not seeing anybody writing from this perspective.

To be honest, I started blogging today because I did something big yesterday. Really big. I signed up for my first marathon. I will be running the Smuttynose Rockfest Marathon on October 6th and I am so excited! I have completed two half marathons in the past and will complete another this upcoming weekend. I finally have the confidence, strength, and knowledge I need to properly train for a marathon.

Did I mention that I will be doing this as a vegetarian? I eat a mostly vegan diet and I am looking forward to prove to the naysayers that meat is not a necessity for athletes. I believed this myth for way too long and I love proving myself wrong! I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen so I will post when I explore new recipes. I have only adapted one recipe thus far and have created zero. I fully expect this to change as I get more comfortable in the kitchen and gain confidence in that area as well.

For the time being, I am off to play with the design of this blog and make some almond milk!



  1. I am so proud of you, Shannon! Get ready for one of the proudest, most exhilerating feelings of your life :)

  2. Thanks Kimmy! The marathon is a lot less daunting now that you have done it.
