Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Perfect Picnic Recipe

After much ado, I have decided to post this recipe on the blog. I really do not think of it as a recipe, but this salad has been a HUGE hit at events lately so I wanted to share it with you all!

I love all things “greek” – pizza, wraps, salads, kabobs, etc. There’s just something about the combination of flavors that catches my eye (stomach?) every time. To turn this craving into a food that is picnic worthy I decided to make a cold salad.

Introducing: Greek Wheat Berry Salad with Extra Veggies

Sorry for the poor photo quality, this was the last of the bowl…it goes so fast I can’t even capture it!

I suggest throwing this salad together the night before you eat, to allow the flavors to really soak in. 

1 c dry wheat berries
1 lg cucumber
5 radishes
½ red onion
½ bunch asparagus
1 can black olives
4 oz feta (regular or tofu)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Salt & Pepper, to taste


Start a couple days ahead of time by soaking your berries. I sprouted the berries for the first couple of salads because it was a fun experiment. Soaking allows them to soften up, makes them easier to digest, and cuts down on cooking time. If you’re in a rush, a 6-8 hour soak works just fine.

None of this process is all that regimented, to start the process, I throw the wheat berries in a pot with fresh water, boil, then simmer for about 20-25 minutes. Not too scientific – when they are squishy & pop in your mouth, they are done.

While the grain is cooking, chop up all of the vegetables except asparagus and throw into a large bowl.  I eyeball at this point to check how much color there is, if I’m lacking in one department, and may even check to see if there are other vegetables in the fridge I could toss in. Broccoli and tomatoes would be tasty as they come into season!

I love blanched asparagus, which is what I did with this recipe. It does not take up much time as all you need is a pot of boiling water, a pot of ice cold water, and about 10 seconds total. Once I'm finished chopping the veggies I quickly throw the asparagus in, chill it, then chop and toss into the bowl.

The wheat berries should be cooked at this time, and you can drain and rinse them with cold water to cool them down. Then pour the grain into the veggies and shake it up. Now you can add feta, olive oil, balsamic, and oregano on top. I truly just got by looks at this point – and it depends on my mood and how flavorful I want it to be. If you want a vegan salad, skip the feta or make tofu feta. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on top, shake up, and refrigerate overnight.

The end result is a salad so refreshing and satisfying, it will be gone before you know it!

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